[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Parish Priest:
Fr. Simon Blakesley

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Updates

Fr Simon writes:

This situation is beyond what I ever imagined I might have to manage, but certain pragmatic issues are central. Please continue to pray for everyone involved and adversely affected by the pandemic. Masses will continue to be said at the usual times and for the stated intentions.

The church still needs your financial support and you may consider changing to giving by standing order or simply by making a bank transfer as is becoming more and more the norm. Our account details have been provided below.

In a strange way, the Lord may be showing us how we might miss the regular experience of his presence within the body of the church who are his people, that we might thirst for that presence anew.

March 2020

Mass times can be found on the main Mass/Services page. All times may change at short notice, but will usually be detailed in the Newsletter. You are also warmly invited to subscribe to our Keeping in Touch email list, which will be used for any urgent announcements.

Please see the Church Reopening page for the latest advice on attending church.

All our services are streamed live (follow the Live Streaming link on the left). If you need assistance to view the online video feed, please contact the Parish Tech Group − working with the SVP, we also have a small number of laptop computers we can loan out to anybody who needs them.

Individual arrangements will be made for funerals − please contact the office or Fr Simon.

We have gathered a collection of other online resources which may be helpful at this time.

Message from the SVP: Are you isolated at home, or struggling in some way due the impact of Coronavirus restrictions? If you would like a friendly chat on the phone and/or need help with shopping etc, contact the SVP and we will help if we can. Call Catharine Warren on 07421 253100 or email svp@saintlaurence.org.uk.

Parishioners who usually contribute to the weekly collection in cash are encouraged to set up a standing order or to make individual payments direct to our bank account. The details are:
Account name:St Laurences Church
Sort Code:09-01-53
Account Number:14255486
Please consider Gift Aid for your contribution and contact Jim Scally at giftaid@saintlaurence.org.uk to arrange. If you already Gift Aid your contribution, please identify any payment by quoting your envelope number.

We are also now able to take one-off donations by credit or debit card through Dona, an organisation recommended by the Diocese. Please click HERE to make a donation.

Here is a number of documents from the diocese and the wider church:

The latest UK Government and NHS advice can be found on various pages starting from here:

and in particular the following documents which apply to the church:

The completed risk assessment for St Laurence’s is also here: